
Information that I have provided as part of the Student Enrolment Form is part of my agreement with ChemCERT for undertaking this course. The information on this form will be provided, stored and used by ChemCERT to update their records and issue me with my ChemCERT Accreditation Card. I understand the information provided will remain private and confidential except as required by law or disclosed to authorised third parties in accordance with ChemCERT’s Privacy Policy.


Any information I provide may be used and stored by ChemCERT together with my course assessment material. This information may be provided to the relevant State and Federal government agencies which may be responsible for training, accreditation, enforcement or compliance with relevant laws or regulations. 


ChemCERT and the relevant State and Federal government agency may use any information that is provided to them for their own research purposes, for statistical analysis, undertake evaluations of the training course, to contact you, conduct post-course follow up surveys and for their own internal management purposes, as well as reviewing the contract between ChemCERT and the relevant government agency or ChemCERT.


I accept that I am liable for all outstanding fees, whether or not another person (e.g. my employer or other organisation) has agreed to pay them on my behalf. 


I accept that any comments I make through the anonymous student feedback process and any images or videos taken may be used for marketing purposes. 


I accept full responsibility for any injury to myself, or for loss or damage to any personal property as a result of participating in the above course. I warrant that I am physically and mentally fit enough to undertake the training and assessment activity. 


Information that may be given in a course does not constitute ‘advice’. ChemCERT accepts no responsibility for the information given and students should seek independent advice from a professional before acting on any information given.


I understand that I have a maximum of 21 days from the end of the course to submit all my assessment material to my Trainer / Assessor, and if I do not, I will be assessed as Not Yet Competent and will have to complete another course. 



I acknowledge that no one is allowed to be under the influence of non-prescription drugs or alcohol during a course and anyone found to be under the influence of non-prescription drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave the course. 


By providing your personal details, you have read and understood and agree to abide by ChemCert’s terms and conditions which includes the above, the Privacy Policy and Student Handbook. Privacy Policy and Student Handbook is available to view at www.ChemCert.com.au.